Monday, March 29, 2010

Flirting Works

Who would have thunk? I am officially growing up. I flirt, and its fun. It doesn't freak me out, and it brings joy. This wouldn't be monumental to other people, but I got asked out. Went on the date and had a good time. Learned I can't expect him to make a further move if I don't play along. Sitting and waiting does do anything except give you a sore bum. So, I asked him to have a picnic lunch with me today. Let's just say there was cuteness, guitar lessons, and music sung especially to me.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Chasing anything in pants...Bad! Giving a little encouragement to someone your interested in...Very Very Good!! Way to go Melinda! I hope he wears a suit to church HAHA :)