Sunday, July 27, 2014

A new look at Selfishness

Don't take naps after results in an inability to sleep at the end of the night. 

Last night I found myself trying to wind down...but unable to sleep. I stumbled onto a British TV show, about out of control teens going to live with "the world's strictest parents" across the globe. 

The episode I watched happened to be a family in Toole, Ut. They were obviously LDS...and handled the opportunity different from other parents. This family had "strict" least by the standard of the world...But I thought they seemed rather understandable. These parents ruled their home with love, and focused on showing honor and respect.

They had one particular concept they were trying to instill in the teens who had come to live with them. When the teenagers would storm off cussing and screaming and pouting, the parents would talk to the camera and explain their thoughts.

The mind blowing thought:
Having a fit is being selfish.


What? Explain that one too me. I don't get it.

Thank heavens they did explain....

When a child is throwing a fit, what message are they trying to convey?
"I am mad."
"I want something."
"You aren't doing what I want."
"My desires are more important then your rules."
"If I don't get what I want, then I am going to throw a fit."

The child sees their own feelings/wants/"needs" as being supreme to all other elements of life.

"I should be able to do what I want...whenever I want. You are in my way. I get what I want, and I get it the moment I want it!"

This concept threw me for a loop. It opened a whole new realm of pondering and the purpose of behaviors, and how those behaviors affect people around you. (sounds exactly like a special ed teacher to me)

And then I was ashamed. This week we had a family get-together in the backyard. I tried to grill an onion...on the BBQ. (Laugh now...but obviously I learned that doesn't really work)...I was tired, hot, and grouchy. I kinda had a little complaining/pouting moment in front of the whole family...over this stupid non-grilled onion. If I had been a small child, I'm pretty sure I would have sat down and cried....rather hysterically. Now I feel terrible. Because I looked like a fool, and I really was being selfish.

"Oh poor me! I'm not getting what I want. Let me show you that I'm ticked about it!"

BLUH! I apologize for that everyone.

Who knew. Throwing a fit, is actually being selfishly minded.

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