Thursday, September 12, 2013


I have moments, every single day, where I want to stop, mid stride, and throw my head back and yell at the sky:


and then I would proceed to sit cross legged on the ground (this is obviously a dream, because you all know my knees are far too messed up for me to sit cross legged comfortably), whip out a keyboard and start writing my amazing thoughts for this blog. 

I really do have good ideas. 
They usually come right as I am walking out of the McKay building...
but then I have class, or a long walk home, or a date with the library....

...and then the thought is gone.


a whisp of something that would have been interesting

a taste of my inner hidden emotions

a sparkling moment in time

But instead, you get this. Non-enlightening.
Sorry. You got the fuzzy side of the lolly pop.

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