Sunday, August 24, 2014

I got my panties in a wad today. Anyone else would think this is a silly thing to get upset about...but this is a big deal to me.

I believe that we have prophets, seers, and revelators on the earth today. I believe Thomas Monson is the Prophet on the earth. He has 2 counselors, and 12 Apostles he works with. They are all men of God. They receive revelation together to help guide Heavenly Father's children on earth. When they speak, we should do what they ask, because they have that connection to Heaven.

Family Experience:
Many years ago, the prophet asked women to only wear 1 set of earrings per ear. My aunt took out her second set at that moment, and never put them in again. I have always respected her immediate decision to follow the counsel of a Prophet of God.

The prophet and apostles cannot run every congregation in the church by themselves. They delegate responsibility, leadership, and Priesthood Power/Keys to local leadership.

Melinda's Thoughts:
Based on my belief and testimony about Church leadership and following their counsel (as discussed in my Preface), I believe it is also extremely important that we follow the counsel and instruction of the local leaders. Even if it is a simple request it is important that we follow. If you can't follow the simple request of a local leader, then what does that say? If it came from a local leader or a prophet, does it matter?

Panties In a Wad:
Today, the leaders of my local congregation asked us to do a simple task....There were about 30 of us who did it immediately. But the rest ignored. Simple, silly request. Really of no importance. Not life changing...but it bothered me.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

I love your dedication and firm testimony followed by action. My only conclusion, is that the rest of the congregation don't have such a strong testimony or don't see the connection. They are just on a different step on the ladder leading us to Heaven, hopefully heading in the right direction and just a little bit immature right now. I think back to my youth/younger days and am sometimes embarrassed by my immaturity and/or lack of understanding. So grateful for the Atonement and the opportunity to learn and grow and change. Also so grateful for good friends who lead by example and showed me a better way.

On a side note, how is student teaching going?