Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Well...its official: 
I am a whoose.
(is that how you spell it?)

Yesterday I rode my bike to school. Its a 20+ minute ride from my parent's house. Yesterday I wore skinny jeans. 
SOOOO uncomfortable! The seam on my pants was not my ally. That little booger made me super mad. It made the ride feel FOREVER long.

So, today I was going to have the upper hand. I wore yoga pants. No problems right?


It was worse.
The problem is not the pants. The problem is my bum! Its too skinny! 
There was no padding what-so-ever! WORST RIDE EVER! Seriously, I thought yesterday was bad...today was terrible. 

A simple solution is to get one of those big comfy ones...or I could just plump up....

New Plan: I am going to install one of these bad boys!

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