The Ramblings of a Slightly Crazed SpEd Teacher, Newly Wed, BYU Graduate, and Returned Sister Missionary
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas at the Wilkins
Dad passed a couple kidney stones Christmas Eve.
Melinda was sicker than death Christmas Eve through Christmas Day.
Lauren nursed Melinda to health in practically every way.
Emma is throwing up all over the place tonight.
Mom has been a trooper with everything.
Sound like a relaxing family vacation? you bet
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Cherish & Tony's Wedding
These are the Bride's Maid little bouquets. The girls loved them, despite the flowers getting all shriveled up in the cold.
Scriptures for Finals
So think:
No sleep
Nutella and pretzels
More finals
Cooky personalities
Less sleep
Snotty nose
More finals
Now we read Doctrine and Covenants 89:18-20
19) And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;
20) And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Singing Sisters
Our music moment is always a song from the Children's Song Book, and today I decided it is my favorite part of the day. There is something about women singing these simple songs together than makes my soul leap with joy. We sing proud, and yet you can feel the love and kindness drift through the room. It is soothing and comforting, angelic and sweet, and motherly in every sense of the word.
Today as we sang prophetic truths in the humblest form, I began to think about all the good these women will accomplish in their lives. The primary lessons taught. The long drives to girls camp. The babies rocked and soothed. The cub scout meetings endured. The meals prepared. The shirts soiled from tears. And intimate relationships each woman has with her beloved child.
They are women of God. They are mothers. They are angels.
Friday, November 19, 2010
There was a guy hugging a girl very tightly on campus..
Girl: Book of Mormon distance!!!! BOOK of MORMON!
Guy: Don't you know? They have Book of Mormon on CD now...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Scripture Posters
Whoever this person is, they are AWESOME!
They do artistic versions of scriptures, church material, and fun quotes.
I found them while working on an Interior Design Project, and I must have them. I took pictures of my computer screen for two of them.
Joshua 1:9 This one is best in this teal color
Joshua 23:15 This one is better in white with colored text (not this version)
And the last one is 2 Nephi 31:20. ( I like the dark teal one)
I must have them.
Hint Hint.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Ward Prayer is over.
Ashlee has a really bad muscle spasm in her shoulder
OK! I fix
She sprawls down on the floor, and I straddle her backside. Not weird, we do it all the time for massages. I fix.
I fix. I fix. I fix. I fix.
Gosh, I could fix a lot better if my shoulders were free. I'll hike up my skirt and unbutton my dress to my waist.
Ok, kinda exposed, but no one here cares. I still have an undershirt on and my dress is still totally on except for being unbuttoned.
knock knock knock...
COME IN!!!!!!!!
says Ashlee
WHAT! WAIT! NNNNOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
I'm too late.
Trevor strides in the door, I'm straddling Ashlee, my skirt is much higher than modest, and my blouse is totally flapping open!!!
I'm thrashing to wrap myself up and get thrown off Ashlee's back (who is laughing while trying to apologize).
Trevor totally ignores the warning, and just stands there laughing at me. I'm burying my face in the floor and desperately trying to cover myself quickly.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Hallo, Happy-Ween!
Then a deep booming voice said,
I turned around to see my GIANT (and rather handsome) friend Robbie dressed as Gaston and striding towards me. He heard about my costume and snuck into Brick to find me. He gave this whole rant about me leaving him at another party and publicly humiliating him. (He did the whole thing with a GIANT smile on his face.) I didn't let him finish. I jumped at him and he enveloped me in a GIANT hug.
Then I remembered my friends and looked over. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at us with their jaws on the ground! Who is the good looking man, and why is he here with Melinda?
Let's just say he escorted (arm in arm) me home and was much more charming than the real Gaston.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
maybe this is only funny after tell me
(I don't know how to get rid of all the extra space. I've tried everything I know)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Arm Hair
I smiled REALLY BIG today.
Sharla and I went to the BYU pool this morning before the sun was up. It will be our new thing...hopefully. You have to check in and get a wrist band. So what...
Well, the girl starts to wrap mine around without thinking, and then realizes that my fur is going to get stuck to the sticky part of the wrist band. She lets out an audible groan and gasp. She kinda fidgets with the bracelet a bit, trying to put it on with the least injury to me.
"Its ok, don't worry about it. I'm used to it. Just stick it."
She gave this big sigh of relief and a little smile.
Sharla and my smiles were bigger.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
This Week
Thursday night I knew I was going country swing dancing, but I didn't know who with. Ashlee and Andrew arranged a date for me. I asked and asked but they never told me. I had hoped it would be a certain someone from work, but Ashlee assured me it wasn't anyone from Brick Oven. Well, she lied. He walked in and I squealed. (literally) We had so much fun and I'm official hooked on Country Swing.
On Saturday I was lucky enough to get work off and go to the Homecoming Football game. Mom, Emma, and I went and had a blast! WE WON!! FINALLY!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
sniffle, sniffle...
I've been sick. First a runny nose. Then I lost my voice. And then I started to have little thorns in my throat. Then the aches and fever.
Now, I'm to the point where my body feels great, my nose doesn't give me too many problems, and my voice is back....but when I cough it sounds like there's a baby rattle deep in there. I feel great, but everyone looks at me like I'm dying. As if at any moment they will look up and see my lung plopped in my lap.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Motherhood isn't for wimps
I am a driven person. I have goals. I have aspirations. In high school everyone knew I was going places. I attend an elite university. I have an A- grade average. I am tough. I overachieve. I can do hard things. But when I tell someone my deepest desire and goal in life, they scoff at me. Scruntch up their face. Blank stare. Walk away.
Why isn’t my goal good enough? Why do people think I am limiting myself? It is a “real” job. Isn’t it the toughest job on the planet? Motherhood is not for wimps. It is not for the faint at heart. It is not an excuse to escape the corporate world. It is not subjecting oneself to be less of a woman.
Being a mom does not simply mean bearing children, cleaning house, folding clothes, preparing lunches, or chauffeuring kids around town. It is the day in, day out tasks that keep a household running. It is being the optimist, cheerleader, and believer. It is nurturing the body and soul of another human being. Being a mother involves being a teacher, nurse, maid, philosopher, coach, seamstress, chef, organizer, therapist, body guard, and business woman. How many “real” women actually fulfill all those careers in a lifetime?
We need mothers in this world. Women to clean up throw up from the bed, down the hall, and splattered across the bathroom floor. Women to keep a calm face and stand firm as their toddler attempts to push the limits. Women to hold their sons’ hand with a stiff upper lip as a doctor sews his shredded skin together. Women to teach their teenage daughters virtue and grace, and their sons to recognize and acknowledge the value of such a woman.
I am not picking a generic or easy goal. I choose the hard road. I choose to give up sleep and privacy. I choose to bake 6 dozen cookies to help a fundraiser. I choose to struggle and fight until the Eight Times Tables are memorized.
I will be sick and miserable for months, knowing more struggles are soon to follow. I will bring myself to the gates of death, in effort to welcome a life. I will sacrifice my body and mind to take care of another person.
But I also choose to smell the sweet aroma of a clean baby. I choose to pull the sweaty curls away from my sleeping toddler’s face. I choose to have my daughter run to my arms after school. I choose to see my son’s surprised face at perfect birthday cake. I choose to watch my child grow and implement what I’ve taught them. I choose to see my daughter’s eyes glitter and her smile dance as she tells me of her first kiss.
I find beauty in the snot stains on my favorite blouse; joy in the scissor cuts on my grandmother’s quilt; humor in the scattered toys creating a wondrous city; and peace in the tattered bear and much loved blanket.
I see potential. I see an actress, an astronaut, and an accountant. I see their future: bright and free because I created a world for them to dream.
I choose motherhood. Not because it is what my body is built to do, not because it just happens. I choose motherhood because it is hard; because it the road less travel; because it will require every drop of physical, mental, and emotional strength I have; because it is the most honorable and noble title a woman can ever have. Mom.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Acts of Kindness
Out of nowhere 3 young men come running from 3 different directions. They all get to the car at the same time, and start pushing. The man didn't notice until he let go, and the car kept moving. He was so surprised that people were aware of his plight, let alone willing to help without being asked.
I love that people see a need and just jump, or in this case run.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
No Doubt Della is a Wilkins
"Do you see that lady with the truck?"
"Yes Della, what about her?"
"She's falling out of her clothes."
She said it so matter-of-factly; this was no observation, but sheer truth.
"Because she doesn't know how to dress."
And she just left it at that. Man, I love that kid!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sooooo Long...
But I am alive.
Glad game: alive and smiling
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Part Three: Cedar City
I'm not upset, I just like to make silly faces. If any of you have ever traveled with me before, you've seen this face many times.
The Rest of the (California) Trip
and Utah girls with black. (Personality differences are apparent)
But put us all together and we are pretty stinkin' cute!
Definitely cute, even from living out of a suitcase for a week.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Driving to California
I learned a very valuable skill in Mesquite. It changed my life. I CAN PUMP GAS!!!! Sadly enough, I never learned how. (long story) Needless to say, I was pretty excited...
And I got kind of bored after 5 hours in the car, so I broke out the camera and started sneaking photos of people. This one I took through the hole between my headrest and the chair. It is one of my favorite shots of the day. I think its totally Sharla.
And I really wanted one of us in the car driving, but holding the camera out wasn't working too well. So I set up the timer and placed it on the dashboard...This is what we got (after 3 tries)
Let's just say a sugar rush kicked in...