Sunday, May 8, 2016

Milk Jugs and Mother's day

1.M.of.A #15

We went to the grocery store late Saturday night...and I sent Alex off for the milk. He came back with a jug that wasn't our normal color.

"What milk did you get? That's not 1%...."

"Well, first the price was 20 cents cheaper than the others, and then when I saw the date, I couldn't help it."

For those who don't know, when I was a kid, my sisters and I got a real kick out of finding the jugs that had important dates on them. We wanted to buy the milk that had our birthday, or Mom and Dad's anniversary, or a holiday on it. (Random, I know. But it was what we did.)

I think I shared this story with Alex once maybe twice in the last 4 years....AND I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT HE REMEMBERED!!!

(I guess I shouldn't be shocked, because when we were dating, he remembered allllllll kinds of random things I had mentioned in passing.)

1.M.of.A. #16

Today is Mother's Day, and Alex made sure to buy me a gift as the Mother of his Future Children. It may have been a favorite treat, but he still did something. He also made sure to explain that he would have gotten me something nicer, but he knew I would throw a stink about not being a mother yet and not needing THAT grand of a gift, so he went with simple.


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